Showing posts with label Acne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acne. Show all posts

Causes of Cystic Acne and How To Deal With It

April 09, 2023 0

 Cystic acne is a severe form of acne that can be both painful and embarrassing. It occurs when the hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to the formation of large, red, and sometimes pus-filled bumps under the skin. In this article, we'll explore the causes of cystic acne and provide some tips on how to deal with it.


Causes of Cystic Acne


Cystic acne is typically caused by an overproduction of oil in the skin's sebaceous glands. This excess oil can clog pores, leading to the formation of acne. However, several other factors can contribute to the development of cystic acne, including:


1.      Hormones: Hormonal imbalances, especially in teenagers and women, can lead to the development of cystic acne. During puberty, the body produces higher levels of androgens, which can cause the sebaceous glands to produce more oil.


2.       Genetics: If your parents or other close relatives have a history of cystic acne, you may be more likely to develop it yourself.


3.      Diet: Some studies suggest that certain foods, such as dairy products and high-glycemic-index foods, can contribute to the development of acne.


4.       Stress: Stress can cause hormonal imbalances, leading to acne breakouts.


Dealing with Cystic Acne


While cystic acne can be challenging to deal with, there are several steps you can take to manage it effectively.


1.       Maintain a regular skincare routine: A good skincare routine is essential in preventing and managing cystic acne. Cleansing your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser can help remove excess oil and dirt from your skin.


2.       Avoid touching your face: Touching your face can transfer bacteria and oil from your hands to your skin, leading to the development of acne. Try to avoid touching your face as much as possible.


3.       Use non-comedogenic products: Non-comedogenic products are specially formulated not to clog pores, making them an excellent option for people with acne-prone skin.


4.       Manage your stress levels: Practicing stress-management techniques such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress and prevent acne breakouts.


5.       Seek professional help: If your cystic acne is severe and not responding to home treatments, you may need to seek professional help. A dermatologist can prescribe topical or oral medications to help manage your acne.


6.       Avoid harsh or abrasive skincare products: Harsh or abrasive skincare products can irritate the skin and worsen cystic acne. Instead, opt for gentle and non-irritating products.


7.       Don't pop or pick at your acne: While it may be tempting to pop or pick at your acne, this can actually make it worse by introducing bacteria and causing further inflammation. Instead, leave it alone and allow it to heal naturally.


8.       Consider dietary changes: While there is no definitive proof that diet causes acne, some studies suggest that certain foods may worsen acne symptoms. Consider reducing your intake of dairy products, high-glycemic-index foods, and foods that are high in sugar and saturated fat.


9.       Use topical treatments: Topical treatments such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and retinoids can be effective in managing cystic acne. These treatments help to unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and promote skin cell turnover.


10.   Consider oral medications: In some cases, oral medications such as antibiotics or isotretinoin may be necessary to manage cystic acne. These medications can help to reduce inflammation and prevent the development of new acne lesions.


11.   Consider light therapy: Light therapy is a treatment that uses specific wavelengths of light to target and kill the bacteria that cause acne. This treatment can be done at a dermatologist's office or at home with a handheld device.


12.   Practice good hygiene: Keeping your skin clean and free of bacteria is essential in preventing and managing cystic acne. Make sure to wash your face and body regularly, especially after sweating or exercising.


13.   Use ice to reduce inflammation: Applying ice to your acne lesions can help reduce inflammation and pain. Wrap a clean cloth or paper towel around ice cubes and hold it on your acne lesions for a few minutes at a time.


14.   Wear breathable clothing: Tight-fitting clothing or clothing made of synthetic fabrics can trap sweat and bacteria against the skin, leading to the development of acne. Opt for loose-fitting, breathable clothing made of natural fibers like cotton.


15.   Be patient: Managing cystic acne takes time and patience. Don't expect overnight results and be consistent with your skincare routine and treatments. With time and persistence, you can achieve clearer, healthier skin.


In conclusion, cystic acne is a complex skin condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. To manage it effectively, it's essential to understand the underlying causes and take a comprehensive approach to treatment. By practicing good hygiene, using non-comedogenic products, managing stress, seeking professional help when necessary, and being patient, you can achieve clearer, healthier skin and boost your self-confidence. Remember to consult with a dermatologist if your acne is severe or not responding to home treatments.



How to Treat a Jawline Acne Symptom

February 26, 2018 0

How to Treat a Jawline Acne Symptom

Every so often, and out of the blue, a woman may experience what seems to be a jawline acne symptom. Acne that appears along the jawline gives the appearance of a stubble, and may be quite inconvenient and uncomfortable. This may prove to be alarming, but there is no need to panic - acne that forms along the jawline is often temporary, and in most cases easily treatable.

A jawline acne symptom is frequently a sign that something else is wrong with your body - something hormonal, to be specific. A woman experiences an outbreak of acne-like growths around the jawline because she is suffering from an imbalance of androgens, or male hormones.

It is important to understand why acne occurs around the jawline for some women. Androgens may be known as "male hormones," but even women can have them. Adult and adolescent women alike face the danger of suddenly facing this sort of imbalance of hormones. In fact all human beings have them in their body in some amount - although understandably, men have more than women do. While it is natural for men to have a lot of male hormones, an excess of androgens may cause a woman's body to undergo certain changes, such as pronounced mood swings, aggressiveness, an increased occurrence of body and facial hair, and yes, acne.

If you are suffering from jawline acne, do not panic! There are a number of solutions you can resort to, although the effectiveness of each one would depend on the exact nature of your condition. The most important thing to remember NOT to do with your jaw acne is to scratch it, or to try to "pop" or scrape it off! Like all other types of acne, acne along the jawline must not be aggravated, or else they may scar. Some types of acne may be severe enough to leave a scar on their own when they fade, even if they were not aggravated.

It is always safest to consult one's dermatologist before applying medication or any other form of treatment. Your dermatologist may be able to prescribe medication that could alleviate the problem.

However, you should not dismiss the idea that what looks like a jawline acne symptom is actually the manifestation of an allergy to cosmetics. If you've noticed that acne-like bumps have appeared on your jawline, or any other part of your face, after you started using a certain cosmetic product - such as a foundation or blush-on - you should discontinue using this product right away. Many types of makeup being sold in the market today are proven to be hypoallergenic, but allergies may still occur. If the acne-like growths do not go away on their own after you have stopped using the suspected product, you should see your dermatologist about the possible causes of this condition.

Acne affects 90% of people worldwide. Some people are able to stop acne, like jawline acne symptom, dead in its tracks.. Discover how you can quickly and easily find remedies for acne outbreaks and get the clear skin you deserve by visiting

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How to Get Rid of Stubborn Jawline Acne ?

February 25, 2018 0

How to Get Rid of Stubborn Jawline Acne

Acne on the jawline can be a real letdown, especially for men who have to deal with tricky acne spots whenever they shave. Though you'd think it would be common among adult men, more women actually have to struggle with this frustrating reality. How do you get rid of acne on the jawline that never seem to want to go away?

The Different Causes of Jawline Acne

Acne starts to form when the pores become clogged by a mixture of excess oil, dirt, and dead skin cells. It becomes bigger and more severe when bacteria invade the pore and multiply inside. Though some studies point out that certain foods (particularly the sugary, oily ones) can trigger breakouts, the body's hormones play a bigger role in acne. They do this by making the skin produce more oil or dead skin cell buildup than usual.

The fact that more women have to struggle with acne on the jawline than men comes as no surprise - this is chiefly caused by the different swings in hormonal levels that a woman has to go through during her menstrual cycle. Women may find that they get jawline acne breakouts whenever they are about to get their period or even during pregnancy. Men who take steroid supplements may also see jawline acne as a side effect. Stress, which has been found to increase the amount of testosterone in the system, can also cause unsightly jawline acne.

Certain cosmetics can also cause acne on the jaw by clogging the pores. In men, some shaving creams or lotions may irritate or clog the pores and aggravate jawline acne. People who have this nasty habit of picking or popping pimples on the jaw will find their acne constantly reappearing in the same place. Dirt and bacteria can also worsen acne on the jawline - you can get these by touching the jawline with dirty hands, constant contact with pillows, as well as contact with long hair. Some people also tend to neglect the jaw area whenever they wash their face, causing buildup of acne-causing dirt and dead skin cells.

Effective Treatments Against Stubborn Jawline Acne

Acne on the jawline can be treated using two general approaches. The first one involves the use of topical creams, ointments, gels and lotions that contain ingredients like tretinoin, salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Though these treatments may be effective against mild pimples and blackheads, they are not enough when it comes to stubborn jawline acne that keep on coming back. With continued use, these topical treatments also tend to lose their efficacy as the skin learns to adapt and becomes immune to their effects.

A more effective approach involves treating acne from inside the body. This means being able to control excess oil production as well as clearing up clogged pores from within. Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 is an an acne vitamin that is effective in treating especially stubborn acne. It has been proven to cause the skin to produce less oil as well as break down excess oil that is already on the skin. For best results, you can try taking pantothenic acid acne supplements along with the use of topical creams and ointments. You'll see that you can say goodbye to stubborn jawline acne in just a few weeks' time.

Karina Miranda is a writer for, which offers natural clear skin products and a free guide to vitamins for acne. Visit us today to learn about the benefits of vitamin B5 acne [] treatment. This article may be republished provided that the author's information and all active links are left intact.

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Acne Home Treatments - Immediately Sooth Acne Inflammation With Aloe Vera

February 25, 2018 0

Acne Home Treatments - Immediately Sooth Acne Inflammation With Aloe Vera

Acne Home Treatments - Immediately Sooth Acne Inflammation With Aloe Vera

Botanical and herbal remedies have been widely used to treat and relieve all types of skin injuries and irritations throughout recorded history. The ancient Greeks, Romans and Chinese made note of treating acne with a variety of different naturally occurring compounds.

In arid areas of the world, a plant called aloe vera or medicinal aloe was used to treat a variety of ailments before the introduction of prescription drugs. It is a staple of Ayurvedic or traditional Indian medicine, which is still widely practiced today.

The juice is consumed to relieve digestive complaints, such as heartburn and irritable bowel. It is applied topically to help heal burns and soothe irritations of all kinds. Modern day studies concerning the benefit of aloe vera in the treatment of acne have returned conflicting results. Some practitioners believe that conflicting results are seen because the wrong part of the plant is used.

Aloe is a succulent, similar to cacti. The leaves are thick and filled with juice, even though the plant grows in the driest soil.

If you have your own plant and you wanted to use the juice to soothe blemishes or reduce bacterial growth on your skin, you would choose the inner leaves that are less green in color. The juice from the inner leaves is soothing and has mild anti-inflammatory activity. The green outer leaves secrete an irritating compound called aloin.

If you purchase a ready-made product, you will need to rely on the manufacturers' knowledge of the plant. Assuming the right parts of the plant are used, an aloe vera gel may reduce inflammation, which would help heal current blemishes and the slight antibacterial activity could help prevent additional blemishes from forming.

Other plants that have proven benefits in treating acne include tea tree oil and turmeric. These are available in over-the-counter ointments. They are valued for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity. Modern research supports the use of both turmeric and tea tree oil.

One of the positive benefits of using botanicals and other natural ingredients is that they do no harm to the skin, which is something that cannot be said of synthetic ointments popular today.

Retinoids, for example, are commonly prescribed for the treatment of acne. They are a synthetic form of vitamin A. While they seem to be beneficial for reducing outbreaks, they often cause redness, itching, flaking and burning that worsen the condition.

The best advice is to start with the most natural approaches that you can find, whether they be dietary changes, special cleansers or antibacterial ointments. The effectiveness of these natural remedies vary, but they won't make your problem worse.

Maria's passion is to share knowledge with others on the same acne home treatments [] that eliminated her acne, for life. For more great discoveries visit []

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Acne Herbal Remedies - Soothe Acne Inflammation and Prevent Scarring With No Negative Side Effects

February 25, 2018 0

Acne Herbal Remedies - Soothe Acne Inflammation and Prevent Scarring With No Negative Side Effects

Acne Herbal Remedies - Soothe Acne Inflammation and Prevent Scarring With No Negative Side Effects

Herbs and other natural substances can help improve the skin's health and treat acne. They are safer than prescription drugs and synthetic treatments, while being just as effective, in most cases. Here's why.

Herbs, botanicals, nutrients, minerals and other naturally occurring substances were our first medicines. They might not have worked against some diseases. The invention of antibiotics is often thought to be a boon to society. But, there were costs.

Some naturalists argue that the boon was not due to the antibiotics, but due to improved sanitation and education among the masses concerning transmission of communicable diseases. Most researchers agree that the overuse of antibiotics has led to an increase of "stronger" bacteria, more resistant to treatment. Research has shown that in some cases, such as in MRSA, natural antibacterials are effective, where the prescription antibiotics are not.

This is relevant to a discussion concerning acne, because the cause of infected cysts and pimples is the P. acnes bacteria. The conventional treatment is the use of oral or topical antibiotics. Either that or the patient is advised to wait. "You'll grow out of it."

The risk of waiting is the formation of permanent scar tissue, as well as depression and low self-esteem. Some people still seem to think that acne is caused by poor hygiene, which is, of course not the case. But, people with the condition still feel embarrassed by it.

The causes of acne are several. They include increased hormone production, irritation and inflammation of the sebaceous glands, overproduction of skin cells, overgrowth of the P. acnes bacteria and increased insulin production.

To complicate matters, certain foods contribute to inflammation and insulin production. Things like the chemicals in tap water change the skin's natural pH level and lead to an overgrowth of the P. acnes bacteria. Regularly swimming in chlorinated pools has the same effect.

Herbs can soothe inflammation. Some of them have natural antibacterial activity. Plant oils like jojoba are known to reduce scarring. If taken orally, some herbs and nutrients reduce depression and balance hormonal production.

So, every cause and side effect of acne can be addressed naturally. With dietary changes, good nutrition, natural skincare products and possibly a good showerhead filter, it is possible to address all forms of skin conditions, without causing unwanted side effects or increasing the number of super-strong bacteria that our society has to deal with.

Do a little research and check out the natural approaches available if you suffer from acne or any other skin condition. You will likely be surprised by the results.

Maria's passion is to share knowledge with others on the same acne herbal remedies [] that eliminated her acne, for life. For more great discoveries visit []

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How Do I Reduce Acne Inflammation?

February 25, 2018 0

How Do I Reduce Acne Inflammation?

How Do I Reduce Acne Inflammation?

Not all acne lesions will result in acne scars, particularly if the inflammation is reduced immediately. Inflammation is, however, a condition that can cause acne, something that not many people are aware of.

But what is acne inflammation? Simply put, it is a condition where the cells and hormones produce a toxic effect in the body, and it can create a multitude of diseases, one of them being acne. What you need to achieve here is create an anti-inflammatory state within your body.

Here are just some of the solutions that you can implement to reduce acne inflammation right away, to prevent further problems.

Avoid vegetable oil in your diet. Vegetable oil can be found in foods such as pasta sauce, etc.
Get more high quality nutrients into your body. You need to eat wholefoods and vegetables on a daily basis. Foods containing vitamins A, C and E help reduce inflammation as help neutralize free radical damage and reduce inflammation. Vitamin A foods include: organ meat, sweet potatoes, spinach and apricots, vitamin C foods include: peppers, lemons, strawberries, broccoli, and vitamin E foods include: shrimp, sunflower seeds, nuts, and oils
Candida - yes, this a source of getting acne, and inflammations related to acne. What is candida though? Candida is yeast overgrowth which people can get that can lead to a ton of health problems, among others, acne. You can check yourself if you have candida, by looking if you have a white coating on your tongue. If you do have candida, one way to get rid of it is to reduce your sugar intake, eat or drink more yoghurt, drink natural juices without sugar, drink pro-biotic drinks, etc.
There are many ways to reduce acne inflammations, but the method you choose will depend on several factors including your diet.

Start finally treating your skin right and get rid of acne. Visit my acne treatment blog [] to get the best tips on treating your acne, all natural remedies using tomato for example, or ayurveda. Visit: [] to get tips on natural remedies for your acne.

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Aspirin Mask for Acne - Is It Safe?

February 24, 2018 0

Aspirin Mask for Acne - Is It Safe?

What is an Aspirin Mask?

The most common recipe for the aspirin mask is as follows:

Crush 3 tablets of uncoated aspirin in a tablespoon of water to make a paste. Spread over a clean face, let sit for ten minutes, and gently rinse off. Do this no more than once a week.

How is it effective?

Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. If you have researched any acne products in the past or looked through the offerings of the drugstore you may find something familiar in that name. Salicylic acid, along with benzoyl peroxide, are the two most common active ingredients found in over the counter acne treatments. Acetylsalicylic acid and salicylic acid share similar chemical properties.

Why is it a bad idea?

It is amazing how many discussions about the aspirin mask can be found on a variety of beauty and skin care forums. I frankly do not understand why people are bothering with this home remedy. I would think that if you wanted to use a home remedy for acne, it would be to use natural, gentle ingredients on your skin and not submit your skin to any harsh chemicals or unfamiliar, unnecessary ingredients.

But that is exactly what an aspirin mask is. Aspirin pills contain binders as well as a large amount of acetylsalicylic acid, and the effect can be way more intense than anything you put on your skin should be.

This obviously shouldn't even be a consideration for anyone with a known allergy or sensitivity to aspirin. But it is also possible that applying the aspirin to your skin could lead you to finding a sensitivity you were not aware of. I have read many users mention feeling a little lightheaded while using the remedy, but that the feeling goes away. I do not understand how this is not a concern for these people. It is unknown at this time how much aspirin can be absorbed into the skin, but some users have reported experiencing the same reactions to the aspirin they put on their skin as when taking the same amount orally.

This home remedy is very unlike other old trusted approaches, such as the use of honey or diluted tea tree oil on the skin. If your skin has responded well to the acetylsalicylic acid, it is highly likely that it would also respond well to a number of affordable products available at the drugstore. If the inactive ingredients list is not to your liking, salicylic acid can also be found in a number of natural and organic acne treatments as well.

Ideally, your skin care products should be pH balanced and intended for use on skin. The movement towards recipes for homemade products has begun to worry me as I see some ingredients that are very inappropriate for skin, especially any skin that is sensitive and prone to a skin condition, such as acne or rosacea.

Manufacturers of skin care products go through a considerable amount of product testing to ensure consumers will not experience negative reactions. It is unsettling that so many people are using their homes as laboratories and themselves as laboratory rats with such a powerful ingredient.

A final major concern: because the aspirin mask is mostly intended for acne sufferers, pre-teens and teenagers are likely going to be interested in this remedy. I have come across some recipes that call for up to eight aspirin tablets. If the child were to come across such a recipe, they could very well end up in the hospital later that day.

What can be done about acne then?

If you are experiencing regular, painful breakouts, then that would be considered a case of such bad acne that requires an appointment with a dermatologist, or at least a treatment plan that has been well researched and is intended for your level of acne. Otherwise, if your concern is simply how to get rid of pimples because you woke up with a few on your face this morning, then there are a number of spot treatments available at your drugstore that can clear that up quickly and safely.

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Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) For Acne - The Best Kept Skin Care Secret

February 22, 2018 0

Apple Cider Vinegar For Acne - The Best Kept Skin Care Secret

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)can do wonders for your skin. In fact, it is the best treatment for acne that I have ever found; hands down. And the best part... it's 100% all natural!

There are two ways to incorporate apple cider vinegar into your skin care regimen. To help clear acne, apple cider vinegar can be taken orally or applied topically. For best results, I recommend trying both!

Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar to Improve your Skin

When ingested, apple cider vinegar promotes liver health. Proper liver function is absolutely essential for clear and beautiful skin. Why? The livers job within the body is to remove toxins from our system. An overload of toxins, caused by a poorly functioning liver is a very common cause of acne.

Furthermore, apple cider vinegar helps regulate digestion which is another key for clear and beautiful skin. For optimum benefit, take approximately 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar 3 times a day.

Applying Apple Cider Vinegar Topically to Improve Acne

I have personally seen the best results when applying apple cider vinegar topically. Not only did my acne drastically improve, but my facial redness disappeared as well. In addition, my skin became much less oily and shiny as it was able to perfectly control my skins pH levels.

That's one of the great benefits of apple cider vinegar. Instead of just healing acne alone, it improves all aspects of your complexion. After all, what's the good in clearing up your acne if in doing so you turn your skin so red and oily that your entire face looks like a giant zit!

What's the best way to apply ACV (apple cider vinegar) for the best results?

When first starting out, dilute the vinegar with water to an approximate 10% solution. Apply the concoction with a cotton pad 1-3 times daily. Treat the ACV as a toner and leave it on your skin throughout the day.

Once your skin gets used to the 10% solution, if needed, you can gradually increase the amount of ACV until you are using it in its original form.

Negatives of Using ACV for Skin Care

As with anything else, there are some negatives associated with using apple cider vinegar as a natural organic skin care solution. First of all, it tastes really bad... plain and simple! The best way to deal with this negative aspect of ingesting ACV is to either drink it in shots or combine it with large amounts of water to minimize the bad taste.

I personally like to take it in shots and then chase it down with honey. I've also tried adding a small amount of ACV to all my bottles of water that I drink throughout the day.

When applied topically, the smell of the apple cider vinegar on your skin takes some time to dissipate. For the first few hours it will be somewhat noticeable to those around you. It's not a big deal if you don't mind smelling like a salad!

Here's a little trick: Apply the ACV immediately when you wake up so that by the time you are ready to go out the smell will be gone. This always seemed to work for me.

Finally, for the first few weeks of applying ACV on the skin, the fumes will burn your eyes. It's an effect very similar to the one experienced from cutting fresh onions. Once you get used to the ACV, this will no longer be a problem.

Despite some of the negatives, the benefits of apple cider vinegar make this a natural organic skin care nutrient that must be tried. I doubt you will be disappointed!

Learn more about natural organic skin care [] at my site - Here I discuss various natural skin care tips. You will also learn all about soap making and the importance of making your own skin care products for a perfect complexion.

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Can Tomatoes Help Acne? How a Tomato Can Prevent Acne

February 22, 2018 0

Can Tomatoes Help Acne? How a Tomato Can Prevent Acne

It's often surprising to learn how certain foods can affect acne, not in their eating, but as a topical skin agent. In other articles, I've discussed green tea and olive oil. Today we'll go to the other end of the spectrum, and talk about tomatoes.

Tomatoes, which are technically a fruit, are incredibly healthy for you, not just in vitamins for healthy living, but also in nutrients for your skin, such as potassium, magnanese, and calcium. Tomatoes are especially helpful in treating oily skin, which in turn, helps to prevent blackheads and other acne outbreaks. You don't have to eat the tomatoes to gain the benefit -- though you can do that too -- you can actually apply them directly to your skin.

You see, the tomato is a natural astringent, which cools the skin and tightens your pores. It has a high content in vitamins A and C, which works to brighten dull skin tone, normalize oily skin, and encourage skin regeneration. Here are a couple of types of methods you can use to have a simple tomato prevent acne:

Tomato Acne recipe one: The tomato facial. This is exactly as it sounds. Cut a tomato in slices, and rub or press onto your face, allowing the tomato juice to sit on your face for 5-10 minutes. After, wash your entire face with cool water and a clean cloth.

Tomato Acne recipe two: The tomato mask. Cut the tomato in half, and using a melon scooper, or even just a spoon, scoop the flesh of the tomato out. Apply the pulp to your face, allowing it to soak in for 5-10 minutes. Wash again with water and a clean cloth. If you'd like to make a mixture, you can add honey, which will moisturize your face at the same time.

Tomato Acne recipe three: Another tomato mixture. Since we're talking mixtures, adding avocado to the mix is also a good idea. Avocado is good for reducing oil, and softening your skin. Take a small tomato and a small avocado, mash them together, and mix well. Apply the mixture to your face, and let sit for 20 minutes. Follow this with a cleansing wash of warm water and a cool cloth.

There are lots of ways you can use natural products to help your acne, some of them not what you'd expect. Check the next page to see some Acne control methods that work surprisingly well.

If you are an acne sufferer, you aren't alone, continue on to see how you can help your acne. => Keep reading...

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Home Remedies to Get Rid of Chest Acne

February 19, 2018 0

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Chest Acne

The same as face acne breakouts, chest acne is really a very typical problem. Acne develops about the chest area once the hair follicles or skin pores get obstructed with dead skin tissue or oils and contaminated by germs. Because there's a lot of sebaceous or even oil-producing glands within the chest area, the probability of getting acne in this area is greater than other areas of the body.

This problem is typical among men and women with varying amounts of severity.
Chest acne signs and symptoms include inflammation, pain, bleeding, skin infections and skin damage.

Here are the top 7 home remedies to eliminate chest acne.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar.

The actual alpha hydroxyl acids within apple cider white vinegar help unclog follicles and break down dead pores and skin cells.

Dilute 1 component raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with two parts drinking water. Soak the cotton ball with this solution. Apply the actual soaked cotton ball within the affected pores and skin. Leave it for around 30 min's, then wash it using water. Do this twice daily.

2. Lemon.

To prevent the bacteria of chest acne, you can also use lemon due to its antibacterial property.

Cut the lemon in half and stroke it about the acne-affected area. Allow the juice to stay on your skin for about half an hour. Wash the area thoroughly along with cool drinking water. Try this particular remedy as soon as daily.
Note: Those who've highly sensitive skin mustn't use “lemon " remedies.

3. Tea Tree Oil.

Tea tree oil is an additional natural home remedy that may heal upper body acne quick.

Put one or two drops associated with tea oil on the cotton ball.
Dab the oil on the affected pores and skin.
Let it sit with regard to 10 min's, then wash it away with lukewarm water.
Repeat this particular remedy two or three times each day.
Note: For those who have sensitive pores and skin, dilute the actual tea sapling oil along with several falls of essential olive oil before utilizing it.

4. Toothpaste.

The white toothpaste that you simply use in order to brush your teeth can also be very efficient in eliminating chest acne.

Apply a few white toothpaste about the affected area.
Depart it upon overnight.
The following morning, clean it away with cool water.
Repeat the procedure daily before acne dries away.

5. Aloe Vera.

Aloe Vera is very effective in fighting all sorts of acne, including those you have in your chest.

Apply this particular gel for your chest acne.
Rub it for a while, so how the gel penetrates deeply to the skin.
Allow this to dry by itself.
Repeat two or three times each day until the acne is actually healed totally.

6. Cinnamon.

Cinnamon can also be effective for eliminating chest acne, mainly because of its antimicrobial properties.

Mix ½ teaspoon associated with cinnamon powder along with a little honey to create a paste. Apply the paste about the zit as well as leave it for around 15 mins. Rinse this off totally and pat dry.
Repeat twice every day.

7. Turmeric.

Turmeric will work for treating any kind of acne, because of its antibacterial as well as antioxidant properties. Its anti-inflammatory nature also assists reduce redness and inflammation caused by acne.

Mix 1 teaspoon associated with turmeric powder with sufficient rose water to create a paste. Put it on the acne area, and depart it upon for 15 in order to 20 mins. Use lukewarm water to wash off the paste. Do this a couple of times daily.

Read : Your Body's Natural Way To Detox And Repair

Additional Tips.

Use the soap which has cucumber as well as salicylic acidity ingredients.
While going for a bath, lightly wash the chest area to assist get rid of dead pores and skin tissue.
Always have a bath following a workout or even additional exercise which makes you perspire.
It is essential to consider a normal bath to prevent accumulation of dead pores and skin tissue as well as excess oil.
People that consume much more vegetables and fruit tend to be much less vulnerable to acne breakouts along with other pores and skin difficulties.

Limit your sugars intake, as it can certainly hold off the actual recovery procedure.

Sourch article :


Causes of Cystic Acne and How To Deal With It

 Cystic acne is a severe form of acne that can be both painful and embarrassing. It occurs when the hair follicles become clogged with oil a...