Medication For High Triglycerides And Cholesterol

Admin March 06, 2017

Medication For High Triglycerides And Cholesterol

Medication For High Triglycerides And Cholesterol

Medication For High Triglycerides And Cholesterol

For those of you who are looking for an easy way to lower cholesterol And High Triglycerides, now we have some tips that might be useful and help you in lowering cholesterol levels and high triglycerides.

But before I give you information on an easy way to lower your cholesterol and triglyceride levels are high, it would be nice if we know in advance what the cause of cholesterol levels and triglycerides being high, so that we can prevent cholesterol and triglycerides rise.
Understanding Cholesterol And Triglycerides

In the blood, there are two different types of fat, i.e., triglycerides and cholesterol. Triglycerides are a type of fat itself that serves to save calories and provide energy to the body is. While cholesterol serves to build cells and certain hormones. Both of them can not dissolve in blood and protein helps both types of these fats to flow to all parts of the body.

Causes Of High Cholesterol Levels

Medication For High Triglycerides And Cholesterol

Many factors can cause high cholesterol, one of which is a lifestyle. The following are things that are categorized as an unhealthy lifestyle that high risk triggering increased levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

The habit of consuming unhealthy foods. The thing that most influence on cholesterol levels in the blood is high levels of saturated fat in the diet. The foods that are high in saturated fat content including coconut milk, cow's brain, organ meats, goat meat, meat duck with skin, skin the chicken, clams, shrimp, calamari, and quail eggs.

The reluctance to exercise or do physical activity.

Especially for those of you who smoke, on smoking found a chemical called Acrolein. This substance can stop the activity of the HDL or good cholesterol to transport the flab from the body towards the heart to be discarded. As a result of the artery, narrowing may occur or atherosclerosis.

The habit of consuming too much alcohol.

Another factor that makes a person more at risk of experiencing high cholesterol is obese and have excessive waist circumference. For us which includes Asia, obesity means having a body mass index above 25 (kg/m2), while said to be excessive where waist circumference passed 90 cm for men or 80 cm for women. If someone is obese, then he is likely to have levels of bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels and higher levels of good cholesterol are lower.

Causes Of High Triglycerides Levels

Obesity and diabetes are not controlled to become the most common cause of occurrence of High triglyceride levels. High triglyceride levels occur when a person consumes foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates or sugar levels are high. The risk of developing heart disease will increase along with high levels of triglycerides.

The following are some other causes of high triglycerides levels:

Hypothyroidism. The condition when the thyroid gland produces too little thyroid hormone.
Kidney disease. Loss of function of the kidney in balancing the content of salt and minerals in the blood, dump body, and fluid overload, and can't set the blood pressure.
Many are consuming liquor. The consumption of beverages containing alcohol can raise triglyceride levels quickly. This condition will also trigger the onset of inflammation of the pancreas.

The impact of cholesterol and High Triglycerides
Cholesterol can be deposited on artery walls, then the blood flow to the heart, brain and other parts of the body can be hampered. So high cholesterol increases the risk of a person exposed to a narrowing of the arteries or atherosclerosis, blood clotting in certain body parts, stroke, both small and large, and a heart attack.

High cholesterol levels can also cause pain in the front part of the chest or arm (angina) when the person stress or physical activity. Besides high cholesterol also increases the risk of someone affected by coronary heart disease.

In addition to high cholesterol, High triglyceride levels are also very harmful to the body. Because if too much, triglycerides will accumulate on parts of the body such as the walls of the blood vessels and heart. So will increases your risk of developing diseases such as angina or the wind sits, heart attack and stroke.

If the results of diagnosis stated that you suffer from cholesterol or high triglycerides, changing the diet, not smoking, and increased the frequency of exercising is a couple of steps that are usually recommended by doctors. These suggestions can also be applied in daily life even though it is in a healthy state to help prevent high cholesterol.

The following simple ways that can be done to lower high triglycerides and cholesterol levels:

Stop smoking. Quitting smoking can improve the levels of "good" cholesterol. A year after quitting, the risk of developing heart disease can be reduced by about 50%. And in 15 years, the risk of heart disease the same as people who do not smoke.

Control your weight. If your weight exceeds the ideal weight or even already obese, lose weight about 2-5 pounds can lower your levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. To obtain a healthy body and have the stamina, you need to be disciplined in running sports at least 2.5 hours per week.

Exercise. Sporting activities on a regular basis can help you control your body's overall health.
Avoid trans fats. trans fats can be found in foods that are fried or baked food products such as pastries, biscuits, and snacks. If the trans fat content of fewer than 0.5 grams, it is possible the manufacturer does not list on the packaging. Food producers can say that their food contains hydrogenated oil.

Eating healthy fat. Replace saturated fats in meats with fat not saturated from plants, such as olive oil, peanut oil, and canola oil.

Limit the consumption of liquor. High-calorie content on liquor could result in an increase in cholesterol and triglycerides. Cholesterol levels and triglycerides can increase even though we only consumed a little liquor.

Lowering your calorie intake. You need to remember that excessive calories will be converted into cholesterol and triglycerides and stored as fat. Indirectly, reduce your calorie intake also means lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
Avoid sources of cholesterol concentrates including meat with lots of fats, egg yolks, and processed milk products.

Limit the consumption of sugar and processed foods. Sugar and foods made from flour is a type of carbohydrate that can increase cholesterol levels and triglycerides.
If the level of cholesterol and triglycerides still remain high after making a lifestyle change, you might need to add the consumption of drugs as well.

Thus article: Medication For High Triglycerides And Cholesterol, it may be useful

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