How To Reduce Ldl Cholesterol

Admin March 10, 2017
How To Reduce Ldl Cholesterol - High-Density Lipoprotein, also known as HDL cholesterol, which is considered good, because it helps in removing cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels, bringing it back to the heart so it can be safely removed from there. Advertisement

So HDL actually helps in cleaning the arteries, thus reducing the risk of heart disease. So, to be healthy, we have to increase HDL and lower LDL. LDL is the bad cholesterol that clogs the arteries to form plaque. Too much cholesterol can lead to people having a heart attack or stroke. HDL CHOLESTEROL is good cholesterol, which cleanses the body of bad cholesterol.
A good way to control cholesterol levels is to avoid foods that increase LDL levels and eating moderate amounts of foods that increase HDL (and consequently lower LDL) levels in the body. 

Let us now move on to learn ways to reduce LDL and raise HDL.

Diet can lower LDL levels

The diet should include plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fish. By increasing your intake of foods such as above, the levels of bad cholesterol in the body will be much reduced. From foods like fish, especially salmon and mackerel, contain omega-3 fatty acids, known to lower LDL levels. Decrease your intake of meat, dairy products and foods containing high levels of saturated fat and trans fat, also helps reduce the buildup of cholesterol in the body as well.

Exercise Lowers Cholesterol

If you want to lower LDL naturally, a good option is to start exercising regularly. Exercising every day helps in weight loss, which is very useful for lowering cholesterol levels in the body.


In order to reduce levels of LDL, consuming supplements such as soluble fiber and niacin can be very useful. A natural source of soluble fiber such as beans, flaxseed, and oatmeal can also be taken.

Wine Increase The Levels Of Good Cholesterol

Red wine, which is rich in antioxidants, very useful to increase HDL cholesterol levels. Although not wine, lower bad cholesterol, but it can be quite effective to increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body.


If a controlled diet, supplements and exercise regularly fail to show the desired results, doctors suggest cholesterol absorption inhibitor such as Statins lower their LDL levels. Another option is the Sequestrant of bile acids, which research suggests can lower LDL levels, amounting to ten percent. Sterol supplements can be very effective in lowering bad cholesterol as well.

Stop smoking

Smoking can lower HDL levels, according to U.s. News. In addition, smoking can hinder the exercise by making it more difficult to work properly. Stop smoking habit doesn't lower LDL.

Consume vitamin B are soluble in water

 B vitamins can lower LDL is between 10 and 20 percent and increase HDL levels by up to 35 percent, according to U.s. News. B vitamins, niacin or Nicotinic Acid, can be used alone or with other medications such as Statins to improve HDL. Uptake of Nicotinic Acid in individuals can experience the feeling of hot or flushed on the ears, neck, and face.

It is very necessary to reduce the level of LDL in the body causes clogged arteries can cause a lot of problems of the heart. If the arteries close to the brain get blocked too, there is a high risk of people experiencing a stroke. So, take a healthy diet and doing regular exercise is very necessary to keep our heart and overall health.

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